It’s A
twirl book party
Free Activity Pages + Art Tutorials
25 free activity pages for kids

with 11 video art lessons
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Share this link with friends for a chance to win $250 in art See official rules below for details. Void where prohibited. |
To watch the video lessons, click on the images with the labels. Enjoy!
you were made to twirl!

get your twirl book
Twirl is a delightful story that encourages children (ages 4-8) to remember they are perfectly and wonderfully made.
Featuring original writing and watercolors from popular author and artist Emily Lex, Twirl is sure to become a family reading time favorite and a great way to dive into deeper conversations with your kids about their unique place in God’s creation.
order a printed activity workbook
Included are 30 delightful activity pages perfect for children ages 3-8. Professionally printed on artist paper.