a story of transition
For just over 10 years, I posted regularly to my blog, Jones Design Company. I wrote and created and photographed and designed during nap time or bedtime or with a baby perched on my lap. When the kids went to school, my days filled up with more writing and creating and designing and business developing.
It went this way for over a decade until slowly, things began to shift. It was a gradual letting go; I stopped posting so regularly, we closed a shop, then our paper goods membership.
At first, it felt irresponsible. I worried about disappointing my sweet readers. Meeting on the blog several times per week was our routine for so long and I felt like I couldn’t possibly change things up because it is the way I’ve always done it! and It is what people expect from me! Closing down businesses that brought joy and paid our mortgage seemed ridiculous. And yet, life circumstances and my own heart told me it was okay, good, essential to slow down and imperative to be quiet, listen and pay attention.
So I did. It was an act of obedience.
Quieting my blogging life made space for my offline life to flourish. It has been far from perfect and lovely and pain-free, but there has been deep personal healing and growth, face-to-face friendships prioritized, attention given to my physical health, sweet presence with my family.
I wish I could say that all of this was super intentional and done from a place of wisdom and maturity and forethought. But that’s not really how it went (it never is, is it?!).
Our lives move quickly. One day blends into the next, then all of a sudden a week, a month, a year has passed. We busy ourselves (often with good things!) and distract and numb and when you stop long enough to look – really look – at your life, you find that maybe you’ve lost yourself a little. Or a lot.
I needed that season of quiet to give myself time and space to look at my life, figure out what was working and what wasn’t, to pay close attention to the ways God made me and trust what He says about me is true. So much of my life has been about trying to prove my value, doing what was expected and trying to do it perfectly, saying yes to gain approval or avoid disappointment only to discover that I never gave my own soul a place within the decision-making.
This forced journey for me has been about waking up to God and myself, breaking off the heavy chains of lies, the false expectations and disordered desires, so I can live from a quietly confident posture of freedom. Free to be wholly and completely me.
The Emily of old – the crafty, creative, stay home mom of toddlers who needed blogging to find her voice and connect with other women – she blogged because at that time of life, it gave her life.
And then, as they do, things slowly started shifting. In the blogging industry, social media, my personal and spiritual and season of life.
The Emily sitting at the keyboard right now? I have parts of that younger version in me, of course. But I am different, too.

I am older, more at peace with who I am and deeply trusting of who God is. I love and appreciate pretty things – in the home, hanging in a closet, formed with paper and scissors and glue gun – but I know they can not truly satisfy. I have stopped asking them to.
There are words and stories and art inside me, but the slow, deep, marinating kind that can’t be rushed or scheduled. This is what I feel compelled to share, my act of worship and offering into the world. This is what now gives me life, at this time of life.
It was a lot of work to regularly write and create and promote for nearly a decade. I’m so proud of that girl for doing it so diligently.
And at the same time, I extend to myself grace and kindness as I move quietly, gently into this new way of being. I don’t want to remain in the old ways just because it is comfortable or known or what I think people expect from me. I choose to step forward, however unknown and uncomfortable because it is exactly where I know God has asked me to move.
So here we are, at my lovely new internet home simply bearing my name, Emily Lex.
Perhaps you are standing at a threshold of sorts, too. Maybe you can just barely make out the glimmer of hope that lies beyond. Feelings of promise and excitement and trepidation all wrapped into one.
It is here we get to decide: will we step back into our old, comfortable ways or step forward, faithfully, into the new?
It can feel terrifying, I know. I stand here on the other side of that decision timid but filled with peace – believing there is such promise and goodness ahead even if I’m still unsure about how it’s all going to work out.
That’s life, isn’t it? We don’t have all the answers. We just have to trust that as we grow and heal and listen to the gentle nudging of the Spirit, we can rest assured that we are in good hands.
So we take that first step, then the next. All the while keeping our eyes looking for the beauty, goodness and truth of God sprinkled throughout our every day. He is near, He has our best interests at heart and as we follow him, our hearts will become free and light.
I’m so grateful for our years together at Jones Design Company and I look forward to the all ways we can continue to encourage each other here.

frequently asked questions
What will happen with Jones Design Company?
There is over a decade worth of posts on jonesdesigncompany.com and I can’t bear to let it all disappear. We will keep the site open and available as a resource. I won’t be adding new content, but there is a treasure trove of decorating, creating, favorite things posts to refer back to!
Are the online classes still available?
Yes! You can find all of my online creative classes at simplifiedclasses.com. If you have joined a class, you can login anytime HERE.
What supplies do you use for watercolor?
I compiled all of my favorites on a page HERE.
Is your watercolor artwork for sale?
Yes, it is! You can see all of the watercolor products in THE SHOP.
You’re writing a book! What is it about? When will it be available?
I share my story of Jesus setting me free in my first book, Freely and Lightly. I can’t wait for you to read it. My hope is that in being open about my life, others will be released from the tangle of sneaky lies about who they are, who God is, and what leads to true peace.
My darling illustrated children’s book is called Twirl and you can get a copy HERE.
Make sure you are subscribed to the email list to be the first to know when new details are announced (titles! cover design! launch team!). JOIN THE EMAIL LIST HERE.
the newsletter

Get lovely links to good, true and beautiful things to read, look at and listen to, behind the scenes peek at the studio and a free phone wallpaper.

who I want to be: a manifesto
I’m not the type of person who writes manifestos. I don’t generally have strong opinions and like to keep things very flowy and flexible so I don’t feel boxed in. I suppose it’s the artsy, creative part of me.
But as I pivot in my work, shifting from 10 years of lifestyle blogging where I literally talked about everything and anything (no boxes for me!) to deeper writing and illustrating and stepping into a slower, more thoughtful place and subject (ahh! boxes!), I need to know why. Why does it matter? Why is this the place for me? Why is God calling me to this work? What value do I have to share and why is it mine to do? There are so many eloquent, faithful, wise and inspiring voices out there. Why me? Why like this?
I ask these questions for your sake, too. Why would you want what I have to offer?
So I did what I thought I’d never do and turned into the type of person who writes a manifesto.
take a look around
Thoughtful ponderings about life
the daily sketch
A year of daily art using everyday objects as inspiration
creative classes
Add delight to your day with online classes