a guided journal
living freely and lightly
Creative Practices to Explore Your Abundant Life with Jesus

It is your time to live freely and lightly
Explore what it looks like for you to live freely and lightly, accept Jesus’s invitation to recover your life, experience real rest, and learn His unforced rhythms of grace.
This interactive journal flows with encouraging artwork, inspiring Scripture verses, engaging prompts, and generous room to write your hopes, fears, and questions. Gift your day with sacred space for the Holy Spirit to do its healing work and whisper God’s truth to your heart.
May every page invite you to take a breath and move toward a new, restful way of living and following Jesus.
take a peek
inside you’ll find

Insightful Prompts
Emily guides you through each step of your journey with thoughtful questions that encourage and gently challenge you to go deeper and invite Jesus’s transforming power to work in you.

Inspiring Imagery
Original artwork and hand-lettered Scripture verses from Emily add beauty and richness to your journaling experience and remind you that you are not doing this alone.

Engaging Activities
Questionnaires, thought exercises, and simple writing and drawing activities help you work through the steps of your spiritual transformation in creative and engaging ways.

Recover Your Life
With the help of the Holy Spirit, you will honestly explore the areas that are keeping you from the abundant life Jesus is offering.

Experience Real Rest
Trade your anxious thoughts for Jesus’s perfect peace as you learn to develop a calm inner disposition of a secure identity that no longer feels the need to self-protect or self-promote.

Learn the Unforced Rhythms of Grace
As your vision of who you are and who God is comes into sharper focus, start seeing what a truly satisfying life looks like and how it lines up with His plans for you.

Live Freely and Lightly
When you see the evidence of the work of Jesus within you, you will find the greatest joy when you celebrate this grace and use your gifts and talents for the good of others and the glory of God.
Emily Lex is a watercolor artist, a longtime blogger, and the author of Freely and Lightly and Twirl. In whatever she does, Emily’s desire is to shine a light on the beauty, goodness, and truth all around us so that we might connect with ourselves, God, and others in meaningful ways. She resides outside the Seattle, Washington, area with her husband and four children.

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In my first book, Freely and Lightly, I share my story of how learning to trust in who God is and who He says we are results in the true rest and peace we’re all in search of. It has been met with such a kind response and – even better! – so many of you have shared the ways my vulnerable words have made you feel seen and understood and encouraged to take a deep breath and continue asking questions, finding answers, and resting in God’s goodness and love for you.
Living Freely and Lightly is a lovely little companion to F&L. You can read them together, but it is certainly not required.
My desire in creating this journal was to guide you through the same process I went through. I pray it is a rich time of self-discovery and, most of all, that with each page, you will remember that God is good and you are loved.